The No. 1 message Edgar Law Group, LLP, would like to share with anyone at risk of an investigation or arrest on the basis of tax evasion is this: If you even have an idea your business may be audited, get help right away to figure out what the issues are before an audit takes place. Stay on the offensive rather than on the defensive with regard to your tax law problems. Act now, before you receive a letter or visit from the IRS or from the state sales tax auditor.
Our attorneys have ample experience helping Californians face and correct tax evasion problems, including:
With our own in-house forensic accounting and tax consulting services, we are well-equipped to act quickly and thoroughly to evaluate a client’s situation. Attorney Ronda Edgar, with her degree in accounting and a masters in tax law, followed by a decade of experience in private practice, can craft a remedial solution suitable to your situation.
You may have been evading taxes knowingly or unknowingly. In either case, a proactive approach is by far the best solution. Avoid tax fraud charges, penalties, raids, seizures and jail time. Discover the right way to right any wrongs. An offer in compromise, an amended tax return or a proposal to correct a sales tax problem — before trouble comes — may be the answer.
Call 877-345-3591 or send an email today to request a meeting with a San Jose, California, tax lawyer regarding any tax law problem in California.
We are available to discuss your case for free in an initial consultation. During this consultation, we can discuss specifically what our team will do to move your case forward and meet your needs. Call 877-345-3591 or email today to schedule a meeting.